Budens, in Vila do Bispo, wants to be an eco-parish and launches a challenge to the population

Budens Parish Council competes this year for the Eco-Freguesias XXI program

With the objective of «improving living conditions in the parish», Budens, in Vila do Bispo, competes this year for the Eco-Freguesias XXI program and launched a challenge to find out the opinion of the population. 

Residents of the parish, over 18 years old, are invited to participate in the survey “I want to live in an Eco-Parish”. This survey was prepared by ABEA, promoter of the Eco-freguesias project, and, according to the parish, “it will be essential to make an assessment of the situation in the parish and what there is to improve”.

The population survey is open from the 15th of April to the 15th of July and is to be completed exclusively online. Anyone who has difficulty filling in the form can respond to the survey at the Parish Council, with the help of the employee.



