Millions from the PRR give Lagos a «new generation» Business Area

Contract was signed this Wednesday, in Lagos

Photovoltaic panels, 5G coverage and charging for electric vehicles. The millions from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) will make the Lagos Business Area «greener, more digital and more resilient». The contract between the City Council and the mission structure that manages PRR funds was signed this Wednesday, March 2. 

This is, in the Algarve, the only Business Area that will receive money from the PRR to carry out conversion works that allow it to be greener and more digital.

Ana Abrunhosa, Minister of Territorial Cohesion, was in Lagos on Wednesday to sign this contract and did not hide her satisfaction at the fact that the «PRR was already on the ground».

“Often, we demonize public investment, but in this case, we are talking about public investment that is for the private sector”, he considered, in statements to the Sul Informação. 



The Lagos Business Area has around 80 companies installed there, from the most diverse areas, from civil construction, technology and innovation.

They are the ones who will benefit from this investment of around 5 million euros, which, in addition to photovoltaic panels, 5G coverage and charging for electric vehicles, also provides for the installation of active fire prevention and protection measures.

The idea, explained by the minister Ana Abrunhosa, is to «make companies more competitive», but also «attract new investments».

«These industrial areas will be fully equipped with new state-of-the-art equipment and that makes them more attractive and competitive», he said.

In statements to the Sul Informação, Hugo Pereira, mayor of Lagos, predicted that the works will start in 2023.



«We have already started contacts, we have been listening to the market, especially because this is a new area for us. It is not customary to buy these products. Our idea is, in the first semester, to have this part consolidated so that, in the second, we can launch the contest », he explained.

One of the advantages of this candidacy by the Câmara de Lagos is that it provides for «an expansion area» of the Business Area itself.

«This investment will allow us to take a leap, have a new generation business area, bring entrepreneurs to the noise and show the potential we have», said Hugo Pereira.

The objective is to “improve the current conditions and be able to attract new entrepreneurs who qualify the area”, he added.

For Ana Abrunhosa, it is «urgent» that this work begin, with the works on the ground.

"Today is too late: let's go to work", he concluded.


Photos: Pedro Lemos | Sul Informação




