Lagos Experimental Theater restores “Red Wolf”

The musical composition is in charge of Carlos Norton

The show “Lobo Vermelho”, by Teatro Experimental de Lagos, will be replaced with three sessions, on the 17th, 18th and 19th of March, at the Cultural Center of the city of Lacobrigensia. 

On the 17th and 18th, the sessions are reserved for schools, but on the 19th, everyone can go and see. All shows take place at 16pm.

The play begins with a picnic, which turns into many stories, all of them versions of the well-known tale starring Little Red Riding Hood.

In a constant discovery, the characters are transformed, the scenery takes on magical shapes, as if we were leafing through a book popup.

The musical composition is in charge of Carlos Norton, who also plays the role of a character in the story.

For more information, you can call 962 512 133.


