“Os Maias”, “O Bom Patrão” and “Mulheres de Ginza” mark February at Cineclube de Faro

Films and documentaries can be seen in the IPDJ auditorium, in Faro

Film “The Good Boss”

“O Bom Patrão”, by Fernando León de Aranoa, “Os Maias: Scenes from Romantic Life”, by João Botelho, and “Má Luck in Sex or Accidental Porno”, by Radu Jude. These are some of the films that Cineclube de Faro will exhibit, during the month of February, in the auditorium of the Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude (IPDJ), in Faro.

The February program has scheduled, for the 10th, the screening of the film “O Bom Patrão”, by Fernando León de Aranoa, on the 17th, “Má Sorte no Sexo ou Porno Acidental”, the latest film by the Romanian Radu Jude, winner of a Golden Bear in Berlin, and also, on the 24th, “I'm saving myself for when Carnival arrives”, a documentary directed and written by Brazilian Marcelo Gomes.

Both sessions will take place in the IPDJ auditorium, at 21:30.

Within the scope of the Cycle “Debuts of Unknown Japanese Masters, the Cineclube de Faro prepared, for the next February 12th, at 18 pm, the film “Women of Ginza”, by Kozaburo Yoshimura.

“Os Maias: Scenes from Romantic Life”, the film by João Botelho, based on the novel by Eça de Queirós, will air on the IPDJ screen on February 23 at 18:00.

At the end of the February program, the Cineclube de Faro presents, at “Cineclubinho”, a cinema aimed at the youngest, the animated film “An Adventure in the Seas”, by Ángel Alonso García. The screening of this film will take place on the 27th, at 10:30 am, also in the IPDJ auditorium, in Faro.

For more information about the February program and the synopses of the films/series, you can consult the website of the Cineclube de Faro.


