There is a guide that teaches how to create canteen supply circuits with local products

Publication is free

The “Guide on how to implement a Local Food System in Cantinas”, a publication by In Loco that teaches how to create “collective catering supply processes in short agro-food circuits”, can now be obtained, free of charge, in paper and digital format.

«The work of creating the guide started from an analysis applied to practice, of opportunities and constraints to the implementation of alternative food models, based on short production and consumption circuits», according to In Loco.

“Supply models that best suit the local reality were discussed, key issues to be considered when setting up territorially based food systems were identified, and solutions and tools were also built and tested,” added the association.

According to the project team, the guide’s development process was “participatory and collaborative”, and sought to promote “awareness of civil society and local actors to account for the importance of the transition to more responsible and sustainable food systems and to local governance”.

«The guide therefore brings together the result of all this joint work, having been created to summarize in a clear and uncomplicated way the main points to consider in the implementation of these models of food supply and consumption in collective catering», summarizes In Loco.

For this, “a set of steps, tips, solutions and tools designed and tested to overcome obstacles often perceived as obstacles to the implementation of the supply of collective catering with local production” are indicated.

«The document aims to clarify, demystify processes and support the development of more sustainable food systems, committed to the involvement of all actors in the chain, from production to consumption».

The Guide can be downloaded free of charge, in digital format, through the In Loco website or requested to send a printed version through the email address [email protected] or toll-free number 289 840 860.



