PSD criticizes the non-suspension of the PDM, Aleixo reaffirms that "the garbage can" does not advance

The recommendation for the suspension of the PDM was unanimously approved at the Municipal Assembly on the 3rd of December

The PSD councilors say they are "indignant" with the "lack of firmness" of Vítor Aleixo for not having suspended the Municipal Master Plan (PDM) in the area of ​​the controversial “lixeira” in Matos da Picota (São Sebastião), but the mayor of Loulé guarantees that the municipality will still manage to prevent the construction of this infrastructure. 

In a note sent to the press, the social democrats in Loulé reveal that, at the council meeting on December 20, Vítor Aleixo only proposed that, in the revision of the PDM, that area should be made “for non-industrial use”.

For the PSD, what should have been done was the "suspension of the PDM" as it was a decision with "immediate effects".

Heard by Sul Informação, Vítor Aleixo explained that this suspension did not go forward due to the fact that the revision of the Municipal Master Plan had to be «completed by the end of 2022».

“Our technicians are very focused on this review, which is a long administrative process. We do not have the technical or human capacity to move forward with both processes at the same time," he added.

The mayor added that, the fact that the municipality "is focused" on the revision of the PDM, does not mean that the process of the Waste Management Unit "is not very important".

“That is why, in the first proposal that we are going to send to the CCDR, the new typology, for non-industrial use, for this area will already be there, which will prevent the construction of this unit. It's easy for those in opposition to say they did like this or like. The Chamber will manage to do what the citizens want – to prevent the process from going forward – without compromising the revision of the PDM within the deadlines», he added.

What is certain is that, for the Social Democrats, this measure “does not have the firmness that was required to stop the pursuit of an activity that could be so harmful to the quality of life of the resident populations”.

Despite these criticisms, the PSD explains that it voted in favor of the measure proposed by the municipal executive because it considered "it is extremely important to convey a sense of unanimity about the feeling of the City Council regarding this project."

Even so, the Social Democrats delivered "an explanation of vote expressing their displeasure at the weak firmness of the response."

The recommendation to suspend the PDM for this zone was, moreover, unanimously approved by the Municipal Assembly on December 3rd, with votes in favor of all the benches.



