Energy consumption increases 4% in November

Return to face-to-face work explains the increase in consumption in the services sector

In November, electricity consumption increased by 4,0% compared to the same month of the previous year. The biggest increase was registered in the services sector (7,1%), followed by the domestic sector (4,0%), transport (3,5%) and industry (1,7%).

The return to face-to-face work explains the increase in consumption in the services sector compared to 2020 and the low temperatures recorded during the month of November caused an increase in the consumption of electricity for heating in the domestic sector.

With regard to natural gas, there was a reduction of 1,7% in global consumption, with a reduction of 3,5% in industry and increases of 2,9% and 7,4% in the domestic and services sectors, respectively.

In terms of transport, there was an increase of 2,1% and 4,2% in the consumption of road diesel and gasoline, respectively. In terms of maritime transport, there was an increase of 41,9% and, in aviation, the consumption of jet fuel increased by 169,8%.



