Câmara de Lagos approves proposal against tolls on Via do Infante

Lagos also requires upgrading of the EN125, namely on the section that crosses Odiáxere

A proposal for the abolition of tolls on Via do Infante and the redevelopment of National Road 125 was approved at the most recent meeting of the Municipal Executive of Lagos.

Noting ten years since the implementation of tolls on this motorway that crosses the Algarve and which, until December 2011, was a No Cost to the User (SCUT) road, the proposal states that «this is a delay factor for development in the Algarve, an increase in accidents (due to the concentration of traffic on other roads), loss of competitiveness for regional companies and a consequent increase in the impoverishment of the population. In the specific case of Lagos, there is also the fact that traffic is more concentrated on the EN 125, harming the quality of life of the population of Odiáxere in terms of noise and air pollution».

The proposal approved in the meantime implies a demand on the Portuguese Government to abolish tolls on Via do Infante and the complete redevelopment of the EN 125 (including the Odiáxere stretch), elements that have long been claimed by the populations, local authorities and the regional economy.


