Parliament approves proposals to build hospitals in the Algarve

Proposals refer to the Central Hospital and the Hospital de Lagos

Yesterday, Friday, the Assembly of the Republic approved Draft Resolutions that defend the construction of the new Central do Algarve and Lagos hospitals.

One of the approved proposals was the final text presented by the Health Commission, which brings together several draft resolutions recommending the Government to build the new Hospital in Lagos, presented by the parliamentary groups of BE, PEV, PCP and PAN, united in a single document .

The final text was approved with votes in favor of all parliamentary groups, except the CDS-PP, which voted against, and the Liberal Initiative, which abstained.

In the same plenary session, two draft resolutions defending the construction of the Central Hospital of the Algarve were approved, one by the PCP, the other by the PSD, both of which were transferred to the 9th committee, that of Health.



