Women told how they became entrepreneurs at a session in Lagos

Session served to celebrate Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Entrepreneurial women publicized their projects and exchanged ideas and testimonies, in an initiative that took place at Fábrica do Empreendedor de Lagos, last Friday.

The session was promoted by the municipality of Lacobrigense as a way of celebrating Women's Entrepreneurship Day and had “the testimony of a dozen women entrepreneurs, who made known their projects, struggles and achievements throughout the process of creation and development of your dreams".

«From areas as diverse as diving schools, travel agencies, catering, health and well-being, fashion, footwear and plastic arts, all women entrepreneurs present were unanimous in showing the possibility of transforming dreams and projects into successful realities », according to the City Council of Lagos.

Present at the opening session, Frederico Costa, president of the SEA Agency, «stressed the work carried out by the team of Fábrica do Empreendedor de Lagos, which has supported and encouraged many women to build their life project, giving them their skills. tools for the future'.

In turn, Sandra Oliveira, councilor of the Lagos City Council, «praised the work developed, as well as the emotional strength that moves women to pursue their dreams, making them overcome barriers and challenges».

Fábrica do Empreendedor de Lagos is located in Marina e Lagos and can be contacted by telephones 282 014 644 and 961 883 054 or by email [email protected]).



