Covid-19: Know in which situations the use of masks is still mandatory

DGS released standards for mandatory use of masks

The use of masks due to the Covid-19 pandemic continues in health establishments and services, commercial spaces and hairdressers or barbers, according to standards released on Friday by the General Directorate of Health (DGS).

«Despite the high vaccination coverage in Portugal and the current epidemiological situation support a strategy of gradual, progressive and proportionate flexibility of public health measures implemented in the pandemic context, the use of masks continues to be an important measure to contain the infection, especially in environments and populations most at risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection”, considers the DGS.

According to the published guidelines, the use of a mask remains mandatory in residential structures for the elderly, units of the National Network for Integrated Continuous Care, concert halls, cinemas, congress rooms and event venues of a corporate nature or improvised venues for events .

In relation to commercial spaces and establishments, the DGS explains that the use of masks in commercial centers with an area greater than 400 m2 is included.

«Spaces and commercial establishments and establishments for the provision of services, in which physical contact with the customer necessarily occurs, for example hairdressers, barbers or beauticians», are also included in the DGS list.

In public transport for passengers, including taxis and TVDE, there is also the obligation to wear masks, the same happening in Citizens' Shops and in venues for sporting events and celebrations.

"Under the terms of current legislation, the use of masks is still mandatory by professionals in bars, clubs, restaurants and the like", refers to DGS guideline 011/2021.

In another guideline regarding religious and religious institutions, the DGS released a series of recommendations to be adopted by citizens and institutions.

Promote the ventilation of the place of worship, before, during and after a celebration, if possible keeping the windows and doors open, sanitize the entire space, including benches, supports and door handles, publicize and encourage protective measures and physical distance and making an alcohol-based solution dispenser available for people to disinfect their hands are some of the recommendations.

«The fonts of holy water, near the entrances of the churches, should remain empty», says the DGS.

Regarding citizens who attend these institutions, the DGS recommends, for example, that they comply with the entry and exit guidelines, the use of a "face mask during the celebration" and that they keep their distance from other people, avoiding greetings with physical contact.



