September is the month of concerts on Saturday nights at the “new” Jardim do Montechoro

The capacity of the concerts is limited to the space capacity

The renovated Jardim do Montechoro, in Albufeira, will host, on Saturday nights in September, concerts by names such as Ricardo Anastácio, Rita Razz, Paulinho Lêmos and Ben & the Pirates. 

On September 11th, Rita Razz opens the concert cycle with notes of Jazz, Soul and R&B.

On the following Saturday, the 18th, the guest artist is Paulinho Lêmos, ambassador of Brazilian music in Portugal. The singer and guitarist will present “Bossa Nova e Outros Bossas”, interpreting Jobim, Vinícius, João Gilberto, among his own songs.

On the last Saturday of September 25, Ben & the Pirates invite you to a night of reggae with a hint of ska and rock.

Jardim do Montechoro was the target of a recent intervention.

The capacity of the concerts is limited to the capacity of the space, being mandatory to comply with all the rules of the General Directorate of Health.


