Seomara Cabrita represents the Algarve in the EuroSkills contest in Austria

Young competes in the subject of Aesthetics

The young trainee Seomara Cabrita, from the Aesthetics course at the Barlavento Employment and Vocational Training Center, of the IEFP, in Portimão, is the Algarve representative at the EuroSkills final, which will take place in Graz, Austria, from 22 to 26 September.

Another 17 young people, from training centers and professional schools across the country, represent Portugal in this European Championship, which is the largest education and training event in Europe.

Organized every two years, EuroSkills brings together hundreds of young people under the age of 25, from various European countries, who compete for the opportunity to win a prestigious medal in their profession.

This time, there will be 48 professions in competition and demonstration, grouped into six industry sectors, where around 400 young people will demonstrate their skills.

The 18 young people from the Portuguese delegation will compete in 15 professions.

They reached this stage after passing several stages and having been selected for their good performance in the national championship of professions, which took place in Setúbal, in February 2020.

To achieve the best results from national competitors, individual technical preparation plans were put into practice and group activities were carried out, aimed at promoting the development of soft skills such as stress management, resistance to fatigue, teamwork, results orientation or self-motivation.

The delegation also comprises 21 judges and representatives of the Employment and Professional Training Institute.

This event will be visited by Miguel Cabrita, Assistant Secretary of State for Labor and Professional Training.

In the previous European championship, which took place in Budapest, in 2018, Portugal was in 8th position among 28 European countries. At the time, he won three bronze medals in the CNC, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Mobile Robotics professions and six excellence medals in CAD, Industrial Control, Computer Network Management, Automotive Mechatronics, Industrial Mechatronics and Fashion Technologies.




