Covid-19: Prevention guide for schools «is in place»

Guarantee was given this Friday by the General Directorate of Health

Photo: Flávio Costa | Sul Informação (File)

The General Directorate of Health assured this Friday, 10 September, that the guide for schools on preventing the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the next school year «is in force», referring the rules on the use of masks to specific guidance on this matter.

«The Schools Benchmark, which was published on August 31, is the document that must be used by schools, as a guide for the prevention and minimization of the risk of transmission of Covid-19. This document is in force», advances a clarification released yesterday by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS).

According to the DGS, with regard to the use of masks in schools, «Guideline 005/2021, to which the Reference refers, and which, in turn, is in line with current legislation, should be considered».

This guideline, which was published in April this year, states that anyone aged 10 or over, indoors or outdoors, “should wear a certified community mask or surgical mask. In educational establishments, this measure only applies from the 2nd cycle of basic education onwards, regardless of the age of the students».

“For children aged between six and nine years, and for all those attending the 1st cycle of basic education, regardless of age, the use of a certified community mask or surgical mask is strongly recommended, as an additional measure of protection, in spaces indoors or outdoors, as long as the children have “trained in use” and use the masks correctly and adult supervision is guaranteed», refers to the same guideline.

For children under the age of five, the use of a mask is not recommended.

The legislation referred to in the DGS clarification determines that “it is mandatory to wear masks or visors for access and permanence” in various places, including in “education, teaching and nursery establishments”.


