Almargem presents a renewed edition of the guide “Anphibios of the Algarve” in Sagres

Presentation will take place next Sunday, October 3rd, at 17:30 pm, at Lota de Sagres Interpretive Center

The renewed edition of the “Anphibios do Algarve” guide will be presented by the association Almargem next Sunday, October 3rd, at 17:30 pm, at the Lota de Sagres Interpretive Centre, within the scope of the Bird and Nature Watching Festival.

Made «thinking of all those who are interested in animal life, but are not specialists» this book is «the ideal companion to take on a field trip», begins by saying Almargem – Association for the Defense of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the Algarve .

The guide “Amphibians of the Algarve” is made up of factsheets of the 13 species of amphibians that can be found in the Algarve, each consisting of photographs and illustrations of the species, classification, characterization, biology, distribution and conservation. It also contains keys to identify adults, larvae and eggs.

This is “a beginner's guide” and is intended for the general public, students and anyone interested in learning more about amphibians.

«It intends to make known this extraordinary group of animals, who have lived on the planet for over 395 million years. Amphibians have survived several cataclysms, but many species now face the risk of extinction, in part due to human action», explains Almargem.

“To make these animals known is an important step to raise awareness of their conservation”, he stresses.



Among the amphibians included in the guide are a subspecies of Yellow-spotted Salamander (Salamander salamander (crespoi), which is endemic to southern Portugal and occurs almost exclusively in the Algarve, and the pointed-snouted frog (discoglossus galganoi) which is, among the species found in the Algarve region, the one with the most worrying conservation status, classified as “almost threatened” in the Red Book of Vertebrates of Portugal.

This is the second edition of a book originally released by Professor João Santos, in 2002. The original texts of João Santos, founder and member number 1 of Associação Almargem and great defender of the environmental and cultural heritage of the Algarve were used as a basis.

Almargem updated the original texts, expanded them with more information and new photographs and renewed the design from the book.

The review was carried out by biologist Luís Guilherme Sousa, Master in Conservation Biology from the University of Évora, who has been working in the study of the ecology and conservation of reptiles and amphibians in Portugal.

To attend the presentation of the book, at the Festival of Bird Watching and Nature of Sagres, those interested can enroll here.

The guide “Anphibios do Algarve” will cost eight euros and will be on sale during the festival, at stand of Almargem. It can also be purchased at website of the association or at its headquarters, from the 6th of October.


