Guard and Police professionals sensitize the population to the issue of risk subsidy

Actions will take place at Jardim Manuel Bivar, in Faro, and on Avenida Tomás Cabreira, in Portimão

The Union of Police Professionals (ASPP/PSP) and the Association of Guard Professionals (APG-GNR) will carry out initiatives to fight and raise awareness of the population with the distribution of leaflets in English and Portuguese, this Tuesday, 17 August in Faro and Portimão, with regard to the Government's proposal for compensation for the risk they face.

Thus, the actions will take place at Jardim Manuel Bivar, in Faro, between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm, and on Avenida Tomás Cabreira, in Portimão, from 16:00 pm to 18:00 pm.

“The government closed the negotiation process unilaterally and set the value of the risk supplement at 68.96 euros, something that for the two structures is unqualified”, says the Union Association of Police Professionals in a note sent to the newsrooms.

"In addition to the meager salaries in the PSP and GNR, and the marginalization by the proposals presented by the ASPP/PSP and by the APG/GNR, the Government proposes to compensate the risk in a negligible amount", explains the note.

«The Portuguese government cannot insistently refer Portugal as one of the safest countries in the world and then devalue the professionals who make this possible», concludes the association.

