New rules for the second phase of deconfinement go into effect today

Portugal has already reached the target of 70% of the population fully vaccinated against Covid-19

The rules foreseen for the second phase of the Government's deconfinement plan come into force this Monday, August 23, with the exception of the end of the mandatory use of masks in public spaces, whose law is in force until September 12th.

With the announcement on Thursday that Portugal had reached the target of 70% of the population vaccinated against covid-19 by the end of the previous day, the executive put forward an extraordinary council of ministers, held on Friday via electronic means, to anticipate the country's passage to the second phase of the decontamination plan.

The government forecast pointed to this target for September 5, but vaccination has accelerated again in recent weeks.

The catering sector is one of the biggest beneficiaries, since as of today, restaurants, cafes and patisseries can have up to eight people (instead of six) per group inside the spaces and up to 15 people (instead of 10 ) per group on terraces.

Events, whether of a family nature, including weddings and baptisms, or cultural shows, now have the occupancy limit of 75%.

As for commercial spaces, the capacity goes from five to eight people for every 100 square meters (indication of physical distance of one person for every 12,5 square meters).

Collective public transport no longer has capacity limitations and in taxis and in the individual and paid transport of passengers in uncharacterized vehicles from an electronic platform (TVDE) it is now possible to use the front seat.

The Council of Ministers on Friday also defined that as of September 1, the Citizens' Shops will start providing face-to-face service without having to make prior appointments.

Despite these changes, the requirement to present a digital certificate or negative test for air or sea travel continues. access to tourist establishments and local accommodation. entering restaurants on weekends and holidays, taking group classes in gyms, spas and spas, casinos and bingos, weddings and baptisms for more than 10 people, and cultural, sporting or corporate events for more than 1.000 people (outdoors) or 500 people (indoors).

Following these changes, the country's transition from a state of calamity to a contingency situation was also decreed, which will last at least until 23:59 on 30 September.


