Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve focuses on the Ocean in a project for Vocational Education

This Tuesday, June 8th, is World Oceans Day

The Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve, in partnership with the University of the Algarve and the Tomás Cabreira Schools Group, from Faro, is promoting the project “Pr'Oceano – Protecting the Ocean how and why?”, which «intends to highlight the importance of the oceans in the daily lives of all of us».

With funding already approved by the CCDR Algarve, this project's main objective is the development of innovative digital teaching resources for Vocational Education in the Algarve region, enabling the strengthening of skills in the area of ​​knowledge linked to the Sea but also to ICT.

Over the next two years, the operational program CRESC2020 Algarve, through the European Social Fund, “will make it possible to create informative content around 36 current topics based on the state of knowledge about the Ocean, the Ocean made of water and rock, the that passes from the Ocean to our plate, how the Ocean protects us, or how it unites us, the way we occupy the Ocean or put its health in danger, or the Ocean that we want to bequeath to future generations and the opportunities that still exist in the Ocean of tomorrow».

From Lagoa to Vila Real de Santo António, more than 10 schools and institutions of vocational education in the Algarve have been involved in the project since its inception, both in terms of co-creation and experimentation with resources.

Once validated at a regional level, all resources will be placed on open and accessible platforms, namely on the Milage platform, for all interested teachers and students, or even the general public, to use.

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Decade of the Oceans, but also with the Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for the Intelligent Specialization of the Algarve, the “Pr'Oceano” project aims to present the results of various research projects at the University of Algarve and its research centers dedicated to the sea (CCMAR and CIMA), in the programs of professional courses in the region.

