Castro Marim celebrated the Municipality Day with a new walkway and Home in Height

Concert by Luís Trigacheiro was also one of the highlights

The opening of the walkway and the Lar de Altura were the highlights of the Day of the Municipality of Castro Marim, celebrated this Thursday, June 24th. 

The construction of Lar de Altura was unlocked in 2017, by resolution of the Cegonha Branca Association, without any guarantee of funding from Social Security or community funds, only with recourse to a bank loan and the support of the Municipality of Castro Marim, which, in addition to the donation of the land, provided the necessary technical support and around 600 thousand euros, in a project valued at 1,9 million euros.

With a capacity for more than 50 resident users, this infrastructure will create around 40 new direct jobs.

The opening of the Elderly Home and Day Center in Altura was attended by the president of the Cegonha Branca Association Amadeu Chaves, the mayor of Castro Marim Francisco Amaral and the director of Social Security of the District Center of Faro Daisy Flowers.

Also, the inaugurated walkway «is a project that, in addition to serving the tourist interest, defends and protects the environmental values ​​of the territory and comes to dynamise the local projects of beach support to be upgraded», says the Chamber of Castro Marim.



The inauguration was attended by Filomena Sintra, vice-president of the Chamber of Castro Marim, Francisco Amaral, Rui de Andrade, captain of the Port of VRSA, and Paula Noronha, from the Portuguese Environment Agency.

With about 1500 meters, the walkway now connects Praia da Verdelago (Altura) to Praia da Lota (Manta Rota).

This is "a great opportunity to have a project with a dimension of one million euros at the service of the community, the environment and the local economy", added the mayor, as this was a project included in the PO SEUR (Sustainability and Efficiency Operational Program in Use of Resources), Portugal 2020, 75% co-financed by the cohesion fund. The existing restaurants will soon be requalified and will have direct access to the new walkway.

The inauguration of the exhibition “Gallery of the Presidents of Democracy” was also part of the celebrations for the Municipality Day, in the Hall of Sessions of the Municipality of Castro Marim, which was attended by the president of the National Association of Municipal Assemblies Albino Almeida.

This is an exhibition that pays homage to «the availability of those who, with some sacrifice of their personal, professional and even family life, are available to represent and defend the interests of the community», underlined Francisco Amaral.

This year, at the solemn session, the Municipality of Castro Marim distinguished employees with over 25 years of public service and launched officially the new promotional video about water, carried out within the scope of the water supply work to 32 villages in the interior of the municipality, an investment integrated in the PO SEUR, supported by Portugal and the European Union, co-financed at 82,04% by the Cohesion Fund.

The transfer of testimony and presidency of the Eurocity of Guadiana to Francisco Amaral, who succeeds the president of Ayamonte, Natália Santos, was also formalized.



Some moments of the Municipality Day celebrations, such as the Solemn Session and the official opening of the Cordão Dunar Safeguard Structure, were guided by musical notes performed by local artists.

The day ended with the theater show “Móce mó”, by the Theater Group “A Gorda”, and the concert by Luís Trigacheiro, winner of The Voice Portugal.




