Silves hosts exhibition “For peace, against nuclear weapons”

Exhibition can be seen for a month at Paços do Conselho

The traveling exhibition of plastic arts “For peace, against nuclear weapons” will be on display in the Town Hall of Silves from today, 3rd May, until 4th June.

This is an exhibition organized by the Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation, in partnership with the Peace and Art Society, which has been traveling around the Algarve.

“Today, considering the size and power of existing nuclear arsenals, a nuclear war between the main powers would not be limited to reproducing the horror experienced in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 75 years ago, but would multiply it. Millions of human beings would die in the moment of the explosions and the following months, with the effects of radiation on health and environment persisting for many years, with catastrophic consequences, including the so-called “nuclear winter”», frame the promoters of the exposure.

“Such a war would compromise the survival of humanity itself. Currently, there are more than 14 nuclear warheads in the world. Recalling that the Stockholm Appeal, a great historic initiative of the World Peace Council, signed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world, on the threat of using these weapons, after 70 years remains current and continues to serve as a guide for our action , we call on all peoples who love peace to renew and reinforce the demand and action for the abolition of all nuclear weapons”, they conclude.



