Lídia Jorge wins the Grand Prize for Chronic Literature and Literary Dispersed

Prize will be awarded on the 15th, in Loulé

Lídia Jorge won the CM de Loulé/Associação Portuguesa Escritores's Chronicle and Dispersed Literature Grand Prize for her work “In Todos os Sentidos”.

The prize, with a monetary value of 12 thousand euros, will be delivered on May 15, at 10:30 am, in the Municipal Assembly Auditorium, in Loulé.

The book by the writer of Boliqueime, edited by D. Quixote, was unanimously chosen as the winner of the 2020 edition of the award by the jury, consisting of Carina Infante do Carmo, José Carlos Seabra Pereira and José Viale Moutinho.



«In Todos os Sentidos, by Lídia Jorge, deserved the vote of the jury because it is a book of chronicle mastery. From the set of texts results a well-loved work and in it the following are evident: the impressionist brevity brought about by the occasion, by the actuality that gains reflective breath; a well-tempered art in the composition and intentionality of the chronicle; and the power of suggestion, inference and allusion of writing with fictional and poetic overtones», reads in the minutes of the jury.

The Grand Prize for Chronicle and Literary Dispersed, instituted by the Portuguese Association of Writers with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Loulé, is intended to annually reward a work in Portuguese, by Portuguese author, published in a book and in the first edition in Portugal, in year 2020.

In previous editions, authors José Tolentino Mendonça, Rui Cardoso Martins, Mário Cláudio, Pedro Mexia and Mário Carvalho were distinguished.



