Exhibition in Faro shows "Iberian Landscapes"

The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 15:00 pm to 19:00 pm

The exhibition Paisagens Ibéricas, which results from a partnership between the BeTween association and the Amigos de Orveli association, with the support of the Junta da Andalucia, will be on display, between May 4th and June 4th, at the Be.Tween gallery, on Avenida Federal Republic of Germany, No. 15, on Faro. Inauguration is scheduled, on the 4th, at 18:00.

The exhibition includes the participation of two Portuguese artists (Cristiano Cruz and Herminio Pinto da Silva) and two Spaniards (Manolo Cordero and Castro Crespo), in addition to the presentation of the posthumous work of Overli, painter from the Ayamontina streak, for the first time on display in Portugal.

According to BeTween, «the catalogue/book will also be presented, with a text by the Onubense poet Santiago Landero, for each of the works exhibited, which makes it a document of exchange between poetry and painting that is very interesting and original».

The initiative, which already had its first exhibition at the Huelva museum, between December 15 and January 14, «follows the logic of cross-border cooperation and has Santiago Landero, on the Spanish side, and José Bivar, on the Portuguese side, as commissioners. with extensive experience in cultural exchange with Spain, such as the biennial of Faro, contemporary art, Algarve-Andalusia in 1999, an example never equaled and with a very good memory in both regions».

The exhibition can be visited from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 15:00 pm to 19:00 pm.


