Algarve2020 supported courses at the Hotel and Tourism Schools that trained 800 young people

These courses involved «large hundreds of trainers and more than 56 thousand hours of training provided

The operational program CRESC Algarve2020 supported, throughout the current multiannual financial framework (2014 to 2021), 38 technological specialization courses, given by the Hotel and Tourism Schools. 

These courses involved «large hundreds of trainers and more than 56 thousand hours of training provided, allowing for professional and post-secondary qualification to around 800 young people».

The total investment amounted to more than 5,8 million euros, "raising funding by the European Social Fund (ESF) to almost 4 million euros".

"This commitment, which aims to meet the need for intermediate staff necessary to improve the competitiveness of companies and the regional economy, constituted, for young people, an opportunity to improve their qualifications, update and/or specialize in activities with high employment potential , enabling them to a more qualified insertion in the labor market», says the Algarve's Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR).

This investment is also in line with the Action Plan “Reactivate Tourism – Build Future”, a privileged instrument for the post-Covid re-launch of Tourism, as part of the Talent Capture Program for the strategic sector of the Algarve's regional economy.


