Talks and worldcafes help Algarve to outline a cultural strategy for the future

The actions will last until mid-May, allowing the contributions of the participants to be included in the document “Culture Algarve Horizonte 2030”

Help shape the Algarve's strategy for the future of culture. This is the big goal of a set of talks e worldcafes which start this Wednesday, April 21st. 

The initiative is promoted by AMAL – Algarve Intermunicipal Community, in partnership with Faro2027 - Application of Faro the European Capital of Culture, the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve and the University of Algarve.

There are, in all, six online actions, among talks e worldcafes, in which a lively debate is sought about different visions for the future of culture, with a view to valuing the sector and the region itself.

The first of these initiatives takes place on April 21, at 10:30 am, via streaming, and can be followed via Facebook from Faro2027 - Application of Faro the European Capital of Culture (Facebook@Faro2027).

Talk#1's ​​theme is “Culture and Innovation Connection” and has three guest speakers: Marta Martins, executive director of Artemrede, Nancy Duxbury, co-coordinator of the Center for Studies on Cities, Cultures and Architecture of the University of Coimbra and member of European Expert Network on Culture, and Jordi Pardo, director of the Pau Casals Foundation and president of the Circula de Cultura de Barcelona.

The debate, «which seeks to be a reflection on how culture can be a driving force for innovation in territories in a phase of resilience and economic recovery», will be moderated by Adriana Nogueira, regional director of Culture in the Algarve.

The actions will last until mid-May, allowing the contributions of the participants to be included in the document “Culture Algarve Horizonte 2030”, which should be concluded by the end of the summer.

The document will serve to guide municipalities and regional entities, framing public policies, with a view to obtaining community funding in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (2021 – 2027).


