Father Miguel Neto appointed director of the National Work for the Pastoral of Tourism

Father Miguel Neto is responsible for the Pastoral Diocesana do Turismo team

Father Miguel Neto, parish priest of Tavira and director of the Information Office of the Diocese of the Algarve (GIDAlg), was appointed director of the National Work for the Pastoral of Tourism, at the Plenary Assembly of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, which took place in Fátima between 12 and 15 February April.

Miguel Lopes Neto was born on December 25, 1978, in Quelfes, Olhão. In 2006, he completed the Theology Course at the Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon, having defended the thesis The Easter According to Santo António.

Between 2006 and 2007, he was an advisor to D. Basilio de Nascimento, Bishop of the Diocese of Baucau, on matters related to the Press and Social Communication. In East Timor, he was also a Portuguese teacher under Missionary Volunteering at the Catholic School of Manatuto.

Returning to Portugal, he was ordained on 7 December 2008, taking up the position of Director of the Information Office of the Diocese of Algarve (GIDAlg), a position he still holds.

Since 2011, he has been appointed by D. Manuel Neto Quintas, Bishop of the Algarve, responsible for the Pastoral Diocesana do Turismo team and, since 2012, has been part of the National Pastoral do Turismo Work (ONPT), occupying the position of Treasurer.

In 2015, at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, he defended the thesis “The Church in Networked Society – Theological perspectives from the study of Manuel Castells”, obtaining the 2nd canonical degree of the Doctoral Course in Theology, with a specialty in Practical Theology.

He is currently the parish priest of Tavira and responsible/founder of the company ARTgilão TAVIRA.

Communication has always been part of his life as a priest, assuming from a very young age a strong connection to the digital world and the media, having been the author of blogs, radio programs and, recently, a sports commentary on Sport TV.

He is also a columnist for the Sul Informação.


