Mini series of interviews shows how “There is no Simão without a volcano”

Simão turned his passion for volcanoes into scientific knowledge, with facts and data that are always up to date

“There is no Simon without a volcano”. This is the title of a mini series, which has a set of short interviews, in which the protagonist is Simão Pedro Freitas, a user of the Social-Occupational Forum of the Algarve Mental Health Association (ASMAL) who is also passionate about volcanoes. 

In fact, as the videos show, Simão turned his passion for volcanoes into scientific knowledge, with facts and data that are always up to date.

This Socially Useful Activity (ASU) developed by the specialist in volcanoes, since 2016, is the result of a partnership established between ASMAL and the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve.

«Incidentally, the entire ASU aims to promote the professional insertion, support and social inclusion of ASMAL users, and, in return, they provide a civic contribution in favor of the community in which they operate», says ASMAL.

Today, at CCVAlg, Simão Freitas is considered a consultant to the team for volcanology, and is invited to share his knowledge with the public, especially the school, through the activities on “Volcanic Eruptions” that this center proposes.

The idea of ​​giving a voice to the volcanologist through a series of interviews emerged as an alternative to not breaking this link, interrupted in 2020 by the entry into force of the state of emergency.

Thus, the episodes have been recorded, sometimes recorded on CCVAlg, when the state of the country allows it, sometimes by videoconference, in a collaborative work between the CCVAlg team, its European volunteers, accompanied by ECOS and DYPALL, and the team from ASMAL.

To follow all episodes of the mini-series, click here


