Do you know what a drunkard is? This is what the Câmara de Silves will offer to restaurants and cafes

Containers are made from recycled plastic

The Municipality of Silves announced today the purchase of 200 cigarette butts, that is, proper containers for placing cigarette butts, which will now be delivered free of charge to food and beverage companies in the municipality.

The awareness of “Lixo Zero Ambiente 100” aimed at environmental problems and the entry into force of the penalty for those who throw butts on the ground were the motto for the investment, explains the municipality.

Any restaurant and beverage company can apply for this equipment, by sending a registration form to the email [email protected]. This campaign is limited to existing units.

These beaters are the result of the reuse of recycled plastics that create, in an innovative way, a very resistant product for use in outdoor environments. It is not combustible and combines the use of plastic waste, which cannot be recycled, with the creation of urban equipment.

This initiative aims to make the population aware of environmental issues and raise awareness of the importance of placing waste in its proper place, in order to keep the public space clean.

The minimum fines provided for are 250 euros for anyone caught throwing butts to the ground, according to Law 88/2019.


