“Caring for the Ria – Confronting threats and aggressions” is, once again, the theme of a virtual conversation, to be held on December 2nd, from 18 pm, promoted by CIVIS – Association for the Deepening of Citizenship.
This initiative comes after a conversation, on the same topic, held on the 19th of November.
This time, the guests will be Maurício Namora (Mirabilis), Pedro Lopes (Grupo Pestana) and Carla Martins (LinkedGreen).
Stakeholders will make an initial presentation to provide an overview of their respective areas of work on pollution in the Ria Formosa.
Afterwards, there is a period of questions and answers, in which the questions can be written in the chat or presented orally, depending on the number of participants and the possible dynamics.
No registration will be required, the link to the meeting will be sent to the addresses of members and friends of CIVIS and made available on the Facebook page.