The projects Internacionalizar + Algarve 2.0|Turismo and Internacional + Algarve 2.0 |Agroalimentar, Mar, TIC will be presented on September 30, at 9:30 am, at the NERA facilities, in Loulé.
These projects, jointly promoted by NERA – Algarve Business Association, by the Algarve Tourism Association and Algarve Tourism Region, were approved by CRESC Algarve 2020|Portugal 2020 and aim to «help the internationalization of small and medium-sized companies in the region that operate in the areas of tourism, agri-food, sea and ICT”.
The presentation session «intends to arouse the interest of potential members of the collaborative networks planned to support the internationalization of companies in the Algarve region».
In addition to the presentation of the projects “Internationalizing + Algarve 2.0 | Tourism” and “Internationalize + Algarve 2.0 | Agrifood, Sea, ICT”, this session also aims, according to NERA, “to promote a critical reflection on the importance, in the current panorama, of international recognition of the region's goods and services and on the best strategies to boost collective cooperation initiatives for internationalization'.
According to Vítor Neto, chairman of the NERA board, "this session also intends to promote a critical reflection on the importance, in the current panorama, of collective international recognition of the region's goods and services - in a perspective of diversification of our economic structure - and on the best strategies to dynamize collective initiatives of inter-enterprise cooperation».
For João Fernandes, president of Turismo do Algarve, «it is essential to wake up to the need to expand to other geographies, especially in a market as competitive and globalized as the current one. The approved project in the field of tourism will help promote the internationalization of three complementary tourist products that are essential for the Algarve territory: nature tourism, nautical tourism and sports tourism».
«By facilitating the creation of collaborative networks between SMEs in the Algarve that operate in these three products, we are also creating a critical mass for the international promotion of the Algarve brand and, ultimately, boosting the increase in regional exports and strengthening our economy,” he adds.
The Internationalizar + Algarve initiative is led by NERA and is also promoted by the Algarve Tourism Region and the Algarve Tourism Association. The University of Algarve and the Algarve Intermunicipal Community are also partners in this initiative that aims
promote the interrelationship between SMEs in the Algarve framed in the domain of RIS3 Algarve – Tourism, Agrifood, Sea and ICT –, boosting the success of their internationalization.