Câmara de Lagoa is the only one in the country with a standard that reconciles professional and personal life

The certification is valid until July 3, 2022

The Câmara de Lagoa continues to be the only one in the country with the Certification of Portuguese Standard 4552:2016 – Management System for Reconciliation between Professional, Family and Personal Life.

The follow-up audits of the implementation of the standard took place during May and June, resulting in «the investigation of the impact on male and female workers, as well as in the control of the entire process and respective procedures».

According to the autarchy, there was, on the one hand, «the consolidation of this human resources management strategy adopted by the organization and, on the other, a very positive reception by managers and workers, thus ensuring the success of this project».

The political commitment to adopt a Conciliation Management System, says the autarchy, «was assumed in line with the objective of building an Educating, Inclusive, Intelligent and Sustainable City that is intended to be in constant evolution».

The Chamber of Lagoa has ensured the implementation of the Conciliation Management System, executing the action plan approved on May 21 of last year, which outlines the short, medium and long term goals.

The measures to be implemented in the new cycle of the System are: the Recognition Program for "Years at Home", the "Lagoa a Ler em Família" Program and the systematization of periodic meetings between direct heads of services and their workers, to improve the organizational climate.

The Câmara de Lagoa says that «so far, it continues to be the only municipality in the country to receive the Certification of Portuguese Standard 4552:2016 – Management System for the Reconciliation of Professional, Family and Personal Life. The certification is valid until 3 July 2022 and requires constant monitoring and evaluation through internal and external audits».

For more information about the Lagoa City Council's Conciliation Management System and the measures already adopted, just click here



