Pinheiro e Rosa School was disinfected and «situation does not inspire great concern»

Only 20% of students attended classes this Friday

The Pinheiro e Rosa Secondary School, in Faro, was disinfected yesterday by Firefighters Sapadores, after, this Thursday, a positive case of Covid-19 was detected in an employee. Still, in statements to the Sul Informação, Rogério Bacalhau, president of the Chamber, added that “the situation is calm and does not inspire great concern”.

According to the mayor, who accompanied the disinfection, “all the people who took tests, and whose results are known, were negative. There are still tests to be done, and some contacts are, for the time being, without symptoms, in quarantine, at home, and, in principle, will not need to be tested».

The Sapadores teams of Faro who disinfected the school «had specialized training, under a protocol with the Municipality of Lisbon. They went to Lisbon for training and then the Lisbon team was here for practical training. Today we are putting this training into practice. In the Algarve, we are the only corporation with this specialized disinfection team. We are going to disinfect 40 rooms, which were being occupied, and the other equipment, so that, when necessary, the activity can be resumed».

Due to the case of the infected employee, the classes of the Pinheiro and Rosa school grouping were transferred to the Neves Júnior school, with a team of employees that was not on duty, something that was provided for in the contingency plan, as explained by Francisco Soares, director from the grouping, to our newspaper.

Despite these measures, according to the official, this Friday, the influx of students was “much lower than expected. The circumstances generate apprehension and fear in the families, but from Monday onwards, it should return to normal. Today we had just over 20% of the students».


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