Companies can now apply for the ADAPTAR Program

Program serves to finance necessary investments by companies for deconfinement

Notices for applications to the ADAPTAR Program opened this Friday. This is a fund, endowed with 100 million euros, which aims to reduce the added costs for micro, small and medium-sized companies to adapt to the rules and recommendations established by the competent authorities, within the scope of the gradual de-confinement plan.

As explained by the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition (METD), «companies will thus be supported in the effort to adapt and invest in their establishments, adjusting the methods of work organization and relationship with customers and suppliers to the new conditions in the context of the Covd-19 pandemic, ensuring compliance with regulations, safeguarding the safety of workers and the confidence of customers».

The Program foresees that the costs with the acquisition of personal protective equipment for workers and users, cleaning equipment, disinfection contracts, as well as the costs with the reorganization of work places and alterations to the spaces of the establishments, will be supported.

For micro-enterprise projects, between 500 and 5.000 euros, there will be support at a rate of 80% non-refundable, with eligible expenses from March 18, 2020, the date of the State of Emergency declaration.

The Government emphasizes that this is “a simplified candidacy regime, based on a budget of expenditures by major items, in which the confirmation of mandatory administrative requirements is carried out automatically by the candidacy management system or upon declaration by the promoter”. The decision will be taken within ten working days.

The SME projects, from 5.000 to 40.000 euros, will have 50% non-refundable funding, under Portugal 2020 through Compete and the Regional Operational Programmes. The decision will be taken within twenty working days.

In both cases, after validating the acceptance term, an automatic advance is processed in the amount equivalent to 50% of the approved incentive.

More information can be obtained. here e here.


