José Apolinário will coordinate the response to Covid-19 in the Algarve

Appointment of a government responsible for this position was provided for in the order for renewal of the State of Emergency

José Apolinário, current Secretary of State for Fisheries, was appointed by the Government to be the coordinator of the response to Covid-19, in the Algarve, during the current State of Emergency.

The news, advanced by the Público newspaper, has already been confirmed in a note from the prime minister's office.

The appointment of a government responsible for this position was foreseen in the Order for the renewal of the State of Emergency, approved last Thursday, April 2nd.

That document read that the Government could nominate "authorities" to coordinate "the implementation of the declaration of a state of emergency in continental territory, at the local level".

Based on this, António Costa's executive appointed five secretaries of state to coordinate the response in the various regions, with José Apolinário being chosen for the Algarve.

For Alentejo, the nominee was Jorge Seguro Sanches, Deputy Secretary of State and Defense, while Lisbon and Vale do Tejo is in charge of Duarte Cordeiro, Secretary of State for Parliamentary Affairs.

João Paulo Rebelo, responsible for the Youth and Sports portfolios, will coordinate the response at the Center and Eduardo Pinheiro, Secretary of State for Mobility, in the North.

In the note issued, António Costa says that these appointments take place "without prejudice to the powers of the mayors, as municipal authorities of civil protection policy."

The idea is that there is "better coordination of central administration services at regional or district level and proper supra-municipal articulation."

These coordinators will be responsible for the "horizontal coordination of entities, bodies or services of regional or district scope of the direct and indirect administration of the State, necessary in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic."

In addition to this, there is the « articulation and dialogue with local authorities and the various entities of the social and economic sectors », as well as the « articulation with the Monitoring Structure of the State of Emergency, coordinated by the Minister of Internal Administration, provided for in paragraph b) Article 30 of Decree No. 2-B/2020, of 2 April, for the purpose of monitoring and producing regular information on the situation at local level».


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