Almost half of people are working from home. But not the poorest

Pythagorean survey for JN and TSF shows that 44% already do telework. But there are substantial differences, depending on income and even the region of the country.

Almost half of Portuguese (44%) are working at home. It is one of the signs of the drastic change in habits caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Changes that will last in time, judging by another response to a Pythagorean survey for JN and TSF: the overwhelming majority of Portuguese (75%) think the situation will get worse next month. And he adds a note of profound pessimism: the National Health Service will not withstand (72%) what is coming in April.

The health emergency imposed changes and encouraged the adoption of unusual measures. But it didn't affect everyone equally. There are differences, sometimes substantial, depending on income levels, age group, and even the region where you live or work. One of the most glaring examples of this imbalance is called telecommuting.

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