Human rights are the main theme of DiVaM because «Culture cannot be alienated»

Watch and listen to the first part of the interview


Adriana Freire Nogueira, regional director of Culture of the Algarve, was the first interviewee of the year on the program «Impressões», organized jointly by Rádio Universitária do Algarve (RUA FM) and by Sul Informação.

In the first part of the interview, which lasted for almost an hour, they spoke about DiVaM, the program for the Disclosure and Valorization of the Algarve's Monuments, promoted by that regional director, and which this year has the theme "Human Rights, Equality and Non-Discrimination".

For Adriana Nogueira, it is a «theme that nowadays makes perfect sense and from which Culture cannot ignore».

The entire interview was aired yesterday, on the program «Impressions» of the FM STREET, which repeats on Saturday. here at Sul Informação, we will cover other important topics covered in this conversation.


