Operation Montanha Verde plants 42 trees to make the Algarve richer

Trees will be planted in Silves, Loulé, Portimão, Monchique, Lagoa, Olhão, Tavira and São Brás de Alportel

Operation Montanha Verde, promoted by Zoomarine, is back and will plant 42 new trees in eight municipalities in the region, with the aim of making the Algarve more environmentally rich.

This year, the planting will be divided into days, as on Sunday, November 10th, it is for families and other interested parties, and on Monday, November 11th, it will be for school groups and other interested parties.

The activity will also be divided in terms of dynamics, since in addition to the planting of endemic trees, there will also be removal and control of exotic and invasive species.

«Like what has happened in previous editions, this initiative “Together We Protect”, by Zoomarine, will once again double (in addition to the trees to be planted) its range of action», highlights the theme park.

Thus, in 2019, in addition to the municipalities of Silves, Loulé, Portimão and Monchique, volunteers will be able to help plant trees in Lagoa, Olhão, Tavira and São Brás de Alportel.

Zoomarine says it is aware that «planting more than 42 trees, in 2019, will not change the world… but it can be an important help for some parts of our Algarve. And sometimes a tree is enough to help make a difference: for humans, for other species… and for our collective consciousness».

Interested parties must apply (for insurance reasons and operational logistics) on the event page.

Operation Montanha Verde has the High Sponsorship of the President of the Republic and the support of the Algarve Tourism Region, Algar, Águas do Algarve and Vila Vita Parc Resort & Spa.

