The 1st Bluefin Tuna Show in Olhão is almost here

Show starts at 11:00 am

The 1st Bluefin Tuna Show in Olhão takes place this Saturday, the 24th of August. 

The event, which takes place on Avenida 5 de Outubro, in front of the Mercado do Peixe, starts at 11:00 am and has the support of the companies Tunipex and Peixe Azul.

Since the county houses the only three traps from which all the tuna caught and traded nationwide come from, the Municipality of Olhão decided to highlight this species and show its potential through the 1st Bluefin Tuna Show in Olhão.

With the collaboration of the confraternities of Tuna (Vila Real de Santo António), Litão (Olhão) and Ria Formosa (Faro), the show starts at 11:00 am with the roar of a tuna weighing about 200 kilos and a description of the various pieces of the fish, which will then be made in various ways that everyone present will be able to enjoy.

Tuna caught off the coast of Olhão (Fuzeta) is exported almost entirely to Japan, where tuna roaring and preparation is a tradition, even transformed into a public spectacle.

Along the Algarve coast, in the tuna traps off the Fuzeta (two from a Spanish company and another with Japanese capital), tuna pass by, worth thousands of euros, and almost all of them head for Japan.

Bluefin tuna, the most appreciated by the Japanese for sushi, comes from the North Atlantic to spawn in the Mediterranean.

Back home, when he is already thin, he is captured and fattened in these traps off Olhão, before being sold to the Orient, where it is a highly appreciated and well-paid specialty.

