PALP wants "explicit commitments" from the parties in relation to the environment

PALP wants different parties to put solutions to "serious environmental problems" in their programs

Photo: Gonçalo Dourado|Sul Informação

The Oil Free Algarve Platform (PALP) invited all political forces to include in their electoral programs «explicit commitments, consisting of concrete measures to which they commit themselves unequivocally», in relation to «a whole series of serious environmental problems in Portugal".

For anti-oil exploration activists in the Algarve, these problems will have to be "answered very quickly in the next legislature (2019-2023)". In this way, they want compromises from the different parties.

Thus, the PALP proposes, at its head, that the parties assume, «immediately, the position of prohibiting the prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbons in national territory, including the repeal of Decree-Law 109/94, as well as not entering into agreements or contracts which include legal loopholes that allow the Portuguese State to be prosecuted, or legally favor companies over the population».

Other proposals include implementing "effective measures to contain and reduce the consumption of hydrocarbons in the various sectors", discouraging the use of natural gas and closing the two coal thermoelectric power stations, in Sines and Pego" and promoting "the self-generation of electricity from renewable sources, including encouraging the establishment of communities, municipalities and energy cooperatives».

All of this is to be done «over the next decade», warns PALP.

