David Fonseca, Raquel Tavares and Agir give music to Arte Doce

Registration for the fair/competition runs until the 5th of July

David Fonseca, Raquel Tavares and Agir are the invited artists for another edition of the Arte Doce fair/competition, which will take place in Lagos on the 26th and 28th of July.

These artists will be joined by others, masters in the art of confectionery, who will show their products and compete for prizes. Those interested in competing, in the different categories, can apply until the 5th of July.

«One of the great novelties in the competitive aspect of the initiative are the two categories that join the Sweet Art and Quality in Tradition competitions, namely the Innovation Candy and the Stand Decoration, allowing participants to give free rein to their imagination and creativity in the area. confectionery', according to the Municipality of Lagos.

This year, there will be an invited region, Baixo Alentejo, another novelty. The neighboring region will be present in the sweets stands, the surrounding entertainment and musical shows. These and other artists will be joined by this year's headliners: David Fonseca (the 26th), Raquel Tavares (the 27th) and Agir (the 28th).



This will be the 32nd edition of Arte Doce, an event promoted annually by the Câmara de Lagos with "the aim of promoting traditional sweets and other regional products produced in the municipality of Lagos and in other municipalities in the Algarve, as well as representative of other regions". according to the municipality.

In this way, the municipality of Lacobrigensa seeks to «contribute to the dissemination of knowledge, to the preservation and revitalization of practices and customs, to the dynamization of the local economy, affirmation of cultural identity and enhancement of the offer of tourist entertainment».

In 2019, the competitive aspect of the event will have as its theme “The Wine”, “which is a challenge to creativity, artistic sensitivity and the quality and genuineness of the manufacture of the products on display and commercialization”.

