Family support at Lagos preschool becomes free

Families no longer pay extended hours

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The family support services of public pre-school education in Lagos, namely the extension of hours, will now be free for all children.

At its last meeting, the Council of Lagos approved a draft Regulation for the Services of Support to the Family in Pre-School Education «whose main change, compared to the one previously in force, resides in the non-charge of animation and support activities for the family, thus making the “extension of hours” free for all children, regardless of the socio-economic condition of their household», according to the municipality of Lacobrigense.

«The provision of meals will continue to be paid, but with the possibility of exemption for children benefiting from Grade A (corresponding to Grade 1 of the Family Allowance) and of application of a 50% reduction for children benefiting from Grade B of school social action (Stage 2 of the Family Allowance), equating the collection of meals to the system that already exists, implemented in the remaining cycles of education», added the City Council of Lagos.

These measures come as a result of «either the evaluation of the work carried out and the sharing of information between all those involved (school groups, families and the various municipal services involved in this process), or the analysis carried out on the procedures applied in various municipalities in the country and the region".

The draft new regulation, on the other hand, “facilitates the interpretation of information, reinforces operating rules and responds to the needs of families”.

The proposal will now be submitted for consideration by the Municipal Assembly, «without being subject to the hearing of interested parties and public consultation», so that it can take effect in the next school year.

The public network of pre-school education in the municipality of Lagos currently includes 11 classrooms, spread over four establishments – EB1 + JI da Ameijeira; EB1 + JI from Santa Maria; Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen Elementary School; EB1 + JI de Espiche - attended, in the current school year, by 249 children.

These students all have their meal at school «and the vast majority (198) attend activities of entertainment and family support, that is, the extension of hours, allowing the child to remain in the establishment in addition to the teaching component, service of enormous social value for parents who work and do not have family support».

