Spring starts this Wednesday and comes full of sunshine

This week is also the third super moon of the year

Spring starts this Wednesday, March 20th, at 21:58 pm (Lisbon time) and the first day will be full of sun, cloudy or clear skies, maximum temperatures around 21ºC in the Algarve, Alentejo and Vale do Tejo , and 15ºC in the North interior.

The fault of this spring weather that even started before your time is the anticyclone. But, according to the Meteophons website, "from Friday, we have, for now, a chance to place a high depression in the SW of the Mainland, creating conditions of greater instability here, for two or three days."

Returning to Spring: at 21:58 pm tomorrow, the Earth's axis of rotation will be perpendicular to the direction of the Sun. north of the celestial equator, and starting to illuminate more the terrestrial northern hemisphere than the south, thus starting spring.

According to the Lisbon Astronomical Observatory, spring “extends for 92,789 days until the next Solstice, which takes place on June 21, at 16:54”.

But the week will be full of other astronomical events: just before two o'clock on the morning of the 21st, the full moon will take place. As it happens only one day and six hours after the Moon has reached the point of its orbit closest to Earth (the perigee), it will give rise to the third super Moon of the year.

As the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox, from an astronomical point of view, Easter should take place on the following Sunday (the 24th), since this Christian festival is always marked in function of the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox .

However, in the ecclesiastical calendar, the Spring Equinox always happens on the 21st and the Full Moon falls on the 14th day of each lunar month, which are exactly 29 or 30 days, not the 29,27 to 29,83 days that separate two equal moon phases. Such facts end up throwing Easter to the 21st of April.

