Loulé showed students how important it is to save water

Initiative held within the framework of World Water Day

On March 22, the Loulé Council raised awareness among schoolchildren in the municipality of the need to save water. 

This was an initiative carried out under the World Water Day.

«Through a series of interventions by technicians and representatives of entities linked to environmental matters and climate change, themes that are on the world agenda due to their relevance for the future of the Planet, the students had the opportunity to learn a little more about all these questions in order to adopt a more sustainable attitude», explains the municipality.

With some tips, in this lesson outside the classroom, students (re)learned that, through small changes in everyday behavior, it is possible to use water efficiently, contributing to «this precious good, each increasingly scarce, continue to be within the reach of future generations».

At this time, the municipality of Loulé also took the opportunity to present the campaign “Here We Take Care of Water”, which includes the Digital Guide, “a manual that aims to give a clear sign that this Chamber assumes environmental sustainability and also the new mascot representing the water in the Municipality of Loulé – Pingo D'Água».

The young students participating in this action received from the local authority a water canteen made of glass as a way to encourage the consumption of tap water at the expense of bottled water.

The Municipality of Loulé received the “Seal of Exemplary Quality of Water for Human Consumption”, awarded by ERSAR – Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste Services, which confirmed the excellence of the water that comes out of taps and is consumed in the municipality of Loulé.

