CHUA and ARS Algarve open "to review the decision" regarding the career progression of nurses

Nurses delivered a petition with about a thousand signatures to the administrations of CHUA and ARS Algarve

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The Algarve University Hospital Center (CHUA) and the Regional Health Administration (ARS) assured the Algarve nurses that they are working to meet the wishes of these health professionals, in counting the points with a view to unfreezing career progression .

A delegation from the SEP Portuguese Nurses Union, which integrated a group of these health professionals, delivered a petition with "more than 800 signatures" to the boards of directors of CHUA and ARS Algarve and was received by representatives of both entities.

On the part of CHUA, more precisely from its vowel Hugo Nunes, the SEP delegation, accompanied by a group of these health professionals, received the guarantee that "it is the will of all members of the Board of Directors to correctly count the points, not only to the nurses with a link to the civil service but also to all workers with an individual contract, in a perspective of harmonization».

According to the SEP, those responsible for public hospitals in the Algarve ensured that this only did not happen "because there has not yet been time for proper legal grounds to support this harmonization".

"Despite being sensitive to the arguments of the SEP, the truth is that they have not yet fulfilled the commitment made", stressed the union.

In the Algarve ARS, member Josélia Gonçalves told nurses that this entity is “following a more cautious interpretation of the Law, in accordance with ACSS guidelines and that they had also consulted the other ARS in order to understand how they were applying the counting of points for the purpose of progression'.

«Although both institutions have not closed the door on reviewing the decision so far, the SEP recalled that nurses' salaries have been frozen for 13 years, so the expectation is huge regarding an immediate progression and that it regrets that we are almost at the end of the year and the rule of the 2018 State Budget, in force since January, has not yet been complied with”, considered the union.

The union leaders also reminded those responsible for the two entities that «several institutions in the country have already converged with the understanding of the SEP and there cannot be different understandings of the Law, under penalty of harming nurses in their salary development».

And they warn: "Nurses will continue to fight because progression cannot be an illusion."

