Ordem dos Arquitetos promotes conference on conservation of the Lagos Wall

The initiative, which is free to enter, takes place on the sidelines of the 15th Congress of Architects and within the scope of the parallel program promoted by the Regional Section of the South of the Order, which takes place in the same space.

Architects Frederico Mendes Paula and José Aguiar are guest speakers at the conference “Rehabilitation of Heritage in the Algarve, Case Study: Conservation, Rehabilitation and Improvement of the Walls of Lagos”, which will take place on 27 October, at 15 pm, at the Centro de Arade Congress (Lagoa). The meeting, with free entry, is part of the 30th Congress of Architects that takes place there.

«The notoriety of the wall of Lagos is undeniable, both for its history and for its involvement with the city. Built in the mid-sixteenth century to defend against external threats, it is the most important property in the Lagos building complex, not only for its intrinsic value, constituting a unique example of the beginnings of military architecture, but also because it is decisive in its definition and characterization of the historic center of the city», explains the Regional Section of the Ordem dos Arquitetos.

On the other hand, Lagos, «which, like other cities in the Algarve, depends on seasonal tourism – which brings major problems of instability in the economy and employment, management of infrastructure and equipment – ​​is determined to implement, through its Strategic Plan, solutions aimed at diversifying economic activities and diversifying tourism itself to mitigate the negative effects of seasonality, through the increase in cultural and nature tourism, capable of attracting visitors throughout the year».

With this conference, the speakers Frederico Mendes Paula and José Aguiar intend to «clarify the strategies, concepts and formalizations related to the restoration and safeguarding the materialities of this monument». The Rehabilitation of the Walls and Towers is in the preliminary design phase, being «a bet of the municipality for the future, with clear benefits for the economy and community life in Lacobrigense».


Conference: Rehabilitation of Heritage in the Algarve – Case Study: Conservation, rehabilitation and enhancement of the walls of Lagos
Order date: October 27, 15:30 pm
Location: Arade Congress Center (ROOM A)
Organization: Southern Regional Section of the Order of Architects
Free entry.


