CCMar buys unique biosensor in the Iberian Peninsula

This is "one of the most sensitive, effective and accurate equipment for the analysis of molecular interactions and biophysical parameters in real time", according to CCMar

The Algarve's Sea Science Center (CCMar) acquired the first switchSENSE biosensor in the Iberian Peninsula. This equipment «opens up new research potential in various areas and contributes to raising the scientific competitiveness of the Algarve region».

«The biosensor acquired by CCMar is one of the most sensitive, efficient and precise equipment for the analysis of molecular interactions and biophysical parameters in real time. This type of analysis is especially important for those doing research in the area of ​​biotechnology, biomedicine, pharmacy, biochemistry and even aquaculture”, according to the Algarve research centre.

The equipment will be integrated into the CCMAR service platform, ProtMAR. “This biosensor will certainly enhance CCMar's scientific capacity, but it should be seen as a more far-reaching investment – ​​first because it can also be used by the entire academic and industrial community and, second, because it will allow us to identify new biomolecules more quickly. marine origin with potential for human use», according to Deborah Power, CCMar researcher and professor at the University of Algarve.

Acquired through the EMBRC.PT project, with the co-financing of the CRESC Algarve 2020 operational program, managed by the Algarve Coordination and Development Commission, the equipment was presented to the academic and scientific community of the Algarve last week, «and is now available for analysis innovative'.

