Lagos celebrates Elderly Day with a ball

The initiative aims to "sensitize society in general to the issues of aging and the need to protect and care for the elderly"

Lagos will celebrate the International Day of the Elderly with a ball, scheduled for 15 pm on the 00st of October, in the multipurpose hall of the Lucinda Anino dos Santos Social Assistance Center (CASLAS).

The event will be animated by the Cavaquinhos Group from the Centro de Estudos de Lagos – Senior University and by the musician Cláudio Rosário.

According to the Câmara de Lagos, which organizes this ball in partnership with the Parish Council of São Gonçalo and CASLAS, the initiative aims to "sensitize society in general to the issues of aging and the need to protect and care for the elderly" .

«In Lagos, aging has been a theme for a long time in municipal policies, aiming not only to provide support for elderly people in situations of greater social fragility, but also through preventive work that aims to promote active aging, fight isolation and provide opportunities for participation and conviviality», added the municipality.

Free transport will be provided by the City Council, upon registration of interested parties, which must be carried out by the 24th of September, at the Parish Councils of Lagos.

