The comedy show “Insónia”, by comedian Fernando Mendes, will be on display from the 2nd to the 25th of August, at the Teatro Municipal de Portimão.
The sessions take place on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, at 22 pm, in a play in which the fat plays "with serious things".
In “Insónia”, Fernando Mendes will be solo and will play Custódio Reis, a wine and fortified wine seller, who lives with a rope around his neck. Both financially and family. «It is the common middle-class Portuguese, who lives drowned in debts and credits», reads the synopsis.
“Custodio is on the verge of divorce. The Sonia woman has completely exhausted her patience with a husband who is increasingly a loser and an aimless type or big goals in life besides eating, drinking and sleeping.
He is an absentee husband and a father even more so. Not so much for lack of love, but more for energy… Custódio feels tired, heavy and without patience», he says.
«The only gymnastics he does is financial and what little he still has is for work. At seventeen, he started working as a baker. Nowadays, it sells wine, but in fact it is almost as much the one who drinks it as the one who sells it. He even likes what he does and thinks he is knowledgeable in wines, not really being one”.
One night, Custódio, “who was always too lazy to think too much about his life, stopped to think and couldn't sleep. You have a terrible insomnia. An insomnia where you will question everything in your life and try to find solutions. But, even though most of his problems have obvious solutions, for a man who has been like that all his life, change does not seem easy».
“We are witnessing, then, a hilarious interior crisis that, in real time, Custódio will go through, in an attempt to reach the peace of soul necessary for him to be able to sleep again”.
Through this 'Insomnia' we are going to watch some television programs that Custódio is watching to see it's called sleep.