Conference in Lagos debates “The Hole that nobody wants!”

Lagos will host on June 29, starting at 17 pm, the conference “The Hole that nobody wants!”, «that if […]

Lagos will host on June 29, starting at 17 pm, the conference “O Hole that nobody wants!”, “which constitutes another form of struggle, reiterating the frontal opposition to oil prospecting and exploration in the Algarve.

The conference, promoted by the Association of Municipalities Terras do Infante (Lagos, Vila do Bispo and Aljezur), takes place in the Auditorium of Paços do Concelho XXI Century.

The opening of the event will be assured by Joaquina Matos, chairman of the Board of Directors of Associação Terras do Infante and mayor of Lagos.

Pedro Matos Soares and João Camargo, both from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, will participate in this conference.

Pedro Matos Soares is principal investigator at Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) and visiting professor at the Department of Geographical Engineering, Geophysics and Energy. His PhD in Physics was about turbulence and clouds in atmospheric models. In the last decade, he has focused his research effort on climate modeling and climate change, currently leading the research group “Climate change, processes in the atmosphere-earth-ocean and extremes” of the IDL.

João Camargo, graduated in Zoo Technical Engineering, Master in Environmental Engineering, is completing his PhD in climate change and sustainable development policies at the University of Lisbon. He was professor of Chemistry and Botany at Universidade Lúrio, in Mozambique, and worked from 2011 to 2015 in the League for the Protection of Nature.

Activist for climate justice in the Climáximo movement, he is the author of the books “Fuck the Troika”, (2013), “Manual on Combating Climate Change” (2018) and “Portugal in Flames – How to Rescue the Forests” (2018).

The conference, with free entry, «is another form of struggle, reiterating the frontal opposition to oil prospecting and exploration in the Algarve, particularly to the announced “hole” in the deep offshore, off Aljezur.

