Clube Naval de Portimão again postpones the conclusion of the elections and creates a Management Committee

The Board of the General Meeting of Clube Naval de Portimão has once again postponed, to June 30, […]

The Board of the General Assembly of Clube Naval de Portimão postponed once again, to June 30, the «continuation and closing of the Electoral Assembly», interrupted on the 26th by the Chairman of the Board, alleging "serious irregularities".

The decision was taken yesterday, after José Casimiro, current chairman of the General Assembly and who was re-candidating for the same position on List A, had renounced his integration on that list, giving up, therefore, of being a candidate in the unfinished elections. The partner António Baliza Monteiro also left List A.

For this Saturday, the 2nd, the continuation of the Electoral Assembly was scheduled, but the members of List A had already communicated that they were withdrawing, so no element of that list was present.

According to a statement from the AG Bureau still in office, however, a "request for clarification" was received from partner Miguel Farinha (candidate for President of the Board on List A), and the response given by the AG president was sent to him « by postal registration to your address'.

As a result of all this imbroglio, it was decided to create a Management Committee, made up of «members of the outgoing corporate bodies», namely Tito Januário (the outgoing president of the CNP), Joaquim Ferreira and José Casimiro.

The Management Committee is intended to ensure "the practice of current management acts until the electoral act is concluded".

The elections are then expected to close on June 30, between 14pm and 17pm.

Although the CNP assures, in the email sending the statement, that "everything happened with the highest cordiality, without any kind of confusion", the truth is that there is a climate of suspicion within the Clube Naval. Yesterday's communiqué demonstrates this, by stressing that the members of the Management Committee "should, immediately, endeavor to prevent the access of any persons outside the Committee to the facilities and equipment of the CNP, namely emails, servers and surveillance cameras'.

