Celina da Piedade and Marco Rodrigues are two of the artists of the new Festival B…de Beja

Celina da Piedade, Marco Rodrigues, Valas, Ricardo Ribeiro, Monda, Alentejo Cantado and António Caixeiro are some of the artists invited to the Festival […]

Celina da Piedade, Marco Rodrigues, Valas, Ricardo Ribeiro, Monda, Alentejo Cantado and António Caixeiro are some of the invited artists for Festival B, which will take place in Beja, between 22 and 24 June.

Organized by the Municipality of Beja, the festival was presented at BTL. According to the municipality of the capital of Baixo Alentejo, Festival B is dedicated to the celebration and promotion of the intangible heritage of humanity: Sing, Fado and Mediterranean Gastronomy.

The festival will take place in the Historic Center of Beja, bringing together, through four stages, a script that also highlights the built heritage of the city.

Over three days, around 40 artists and groups will purposely create, for Festival B, 25 shows that unite singing and fado through fusions with each other and with other rhythms and musical sounds.

One of the innovative aspects of Festival B is the realization of artistic residencies and the design of its own shows, creating new dimensions of promotion and enhancement of Cante Alentejano.

The Municipality of Beja adds that «Festival B intends to be a means of economic and social dynamization of Beja», being co-financed by the INTERREG program and counting on support for the dissemination of RTP and Antena1, on its national and international channels .

Being a bi-themed festival, says the Alentejo municipality, in the next year of 2019 it will be developed with the central theme “Beja, the city of Mariana Alcoforado”, to enhance and project the image of the historical figure.

